Friday, December 11, 2009

Creating Quiet Spaces...

What a wonderful website found through the Daily Om! All kinds of spiritual gifts can be found here from chakra beeswax candles to meditative art & flags to Raku spirit rattles (at right)!!

This is a beautiful website for a vast selection of handcrafted metaphysical & spiritual art, meditation... it's a nice site to peruse when you're feeling quiet and want to explore a unique place!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patience, Strength, & Faith...

They carry us through just about anything! These three words are very powerful words... but they also allow one to develop more peace within the self. With just these three words, I know I can handle just about anything... and I have! Even through the worst of times... these three words have carried me through (along with a daily chakra cleansing) ... and the Universe DOES eventually provide whatever it is that we desire, and whatever it is that will help to carry us through whatever situation we are presently in.

Trust is also an important word. If we could just "trust" in the Universe to provide all our needs, we would all be a lot happier and free from spontaneous decisions, and anxiety. Trust can be a very difficult thing to overcome; it could take years and years of healing to trust & love again. Trust in the Universe to carry us through our situations, and trust in the people around us.

All of these words go hand-in-hand and help to mold the strongest individuals... I'm glad I'm one of them! :-D

Monday, October 12, 2009

The pineapple plantation...

Another experience I had was within the same area. There was a path in back of the house I lived in. A neighbor told me to follow the path because it led to an old pineapple plantation... which would have been fun to see! So, one day I set out down this path. My little kitty, Abby, was leading the way excitedly! I was o.k. until I came to one particular point, not far from my starting point. I stopped... looked around, and felt the energy was overly heavy... and I also got a very distinctive feeling to not go any further, to turn around & go home, that I didn't belong there, not at all!! :-/ And so I did... Abby wanted to go further, but I told her it was time to go back home! There was a dirty cap on a rock just ahead of me.

Another day several months' later I decided to explore down this path again and see if I could get any further than the 1st time. This time, when I got to the same place and stopped, I noticed a very old rusted bicycle sitting on the left, possibly from the 50's. I KNOW that bicycle wasn't there the first time... and the cap was missing on the rock. And I felt the exact same way AGAIN!! So, I turned my little body back around and returned to the house.

I don't care much for finding the pineapple plantation anymore... my safety is more important. But when YOUR inner voice tells you something... LISTEN!! It's for a reason!

Entity in my home...

For the last nine months, I lived in an area of the Keys that I never really liked in particular but something was calling me to live there for a short while. I felt this area to be "very heavy" energy-wise and could never really put my finger on why I felt this way. Someone explained to me that it might be because of the past, the Indian past. Maybe...

I moved into this home (a duplex) and first off, I seemed to be "confused" in the home. It was VERY heavy energy-wise and it was suggested that I clear it (do healings on it). I did healings every 3 weeks on the entire home, and my space in particular; and found it extremely helpful to clear the space with sage also. The latter seemed to work especially well. Although I did these healings, I don't feel as if I was ever able to successfully clear the home on my own. I also found it rather heavy in hallway (as did someone else), and weird things were always happening in one of the rooms off this hallway.

I've never ever had any experiences with an Entity (not that I can think of anyway). Pussy cats are really interesting... they pick up on things we humans may not be able to. I have an ability to "know & feel" things, but I can't exactly "see" things... if you know what I mean. One night I was looking at my cat, and she looked over my shoulder to the right of me, and her eyes got very big & wide... and she ran away from me! In my attempt to calm her, I asked if there was someone else in the room with us, & by the look in her eyes I could tell there was.

Within the month before my move, I had another Healer come to the home who could "see". She walked through the rooms, and in particular the hallway. When she was in the bathroom, there was someone in back of her. An Old Man. Apparently he did not die in the house, but he loved the house very much and was still attached to it. He couldn't leave because nobody would talk to him (me, I guess) and he was very "confused" as to what he should do, where he should go. This reminded me as to WHY I was so confused at times. So confused I had to leave the house to clear my own head! Anyway, she was able to "free" him... and send him on his way. And thereafter, the house was clear (of any entities)... ready for the next person or family to move into! :-)

I've never lived with an entity in my home before... it was rather interesting, the energies I felt, the pussy cats' reactions, and the sharing of confusion! My new home has been cleared ahead of time, and it WAS clear from the start! Just lots of love energy here! '-D

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Spiritual Power Animal...

For a while I've wondered what my power animal was... the first one I acquired was on a misc. website that declared it was a "Bull Shark"... that seemed rather strong for me and so I was determined to find out what it TRULY is. At a recent "More Truth Will Set You Free" workshop with Elka Boren (a Shaman) we were all curious about our Power Animal... and when she told me mine, I was a little surprised... but then as I thought about it, not so much. Because as fate would have it... my Power Animal has been with me all through life (in beads, jewelry, history) and I've always had an interest in this animal.

So anyway... here's a description of this animal. Maybe you can guess what it is (Don't peek at the picture!!)! :-D

She who seems to move as slowly as the earth itself, who travels its own path in its own time. One of the lessons is to slow down. She who lives a very long time and who has been on earth longer than any other vertebrate animal, has all the time in the world.

She carries its house on its back, and when it feels attacked it withdraws into its protective shell. This can remind us that we carry within ourselves our own protection. It is also a reminder of the importance of going within. We need to learn to withdraw not only when we feel threatened by the outside world, but in order to contemplate, to decide what our next direction will be.

Slow-moving, contemplative this animal can also be described as grounded. When we feel as if things are happening too fast, or as if there's too much to do, when we are great at starting projects and not so great at completing them, we can call on the energy of this animal.

To be grounded doesn't mean to be stuck in one place. She travels very close to the earth and is intimately connected with the currents of Mother Nature's energy. Because it moves so slowly it has the time to appreciate all of her creations.

So can we when we take the time that is always there, when we move more slowly along our own paths and enjoy the journey.

Have any idea now? It's:

What's your Power Animal?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Interesting Love Links...

I've been adding some Love Links lately to the right... have found some interesting & "free" card readings!! We always like something "free", don't we? '-D

The site with the Color Wisdom cards is really a wonderful & fun site! There are gift sets w/intention candles, candles & jewelry, gratitude jewelry, and (wisdom) cards & candles! I've really enjoyed getting to know the owner of the site, Tori Hartman; including all the other yummy things she offers!

There's also a "free" angel card reading... these can be fairly accurate as well! There are also "free" healing card readings on the same site.

I've also listed a variety of "Unity" websites... depending on where you are (in or outside the Keys). Do you know what Unity is? Have you ever heard of it? Unity is spiritual but not religious. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual's right to choose a spiritual path. Check out the "Unity" link for lots of great information in a spiritual way!

When you visit... keep an eye on the right side as it will develop more fully in time! Feel free to suggest other interesting sites that you're familiar with!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Metaphysical Connection...

I had the good fortune to connect with someone a few weeks back who is highly metaphysically charged! We connected and could relate very easily on a metaphysical level... understand what each was talking about. There aren't many people that you can really do this with, not here anyway.

I met this man over a year ago when he stopped into my shop & left his card. Little did I realize that we would cross paths again... at the library (where I was going to check my e-mail - see my other blog: ChockFullofPurity for Electrical INfrequencies). I feel very strong in the belief that we all have something to learn from whomever comes into our lives, we attract various individuals because they mirror ourselves, and so we may see some things we don't especially like in someone... and then again, see other things we DO like.

After our various discussions, I felt that part of the reason we met was his apparent need for guidance to advance further in his endeavor to create his art. It's amazing how clearly I could "see" the "signs" all around him, the doors were all open for him to advance through, there were even selling opportunities developing, yet he was finding himself unable to move forward. In meeting me, I was able to put him in touch with another stained glass artist who offered classes... so he started taking classes and will be finishing his first piece in the next few weeks! I'm looking forward to seeing it! Yet, he is still somewhat hesitant about following through.

I've learned that if one doesn't go in the direction that they're meant to go in (in the direction of their life purpose), they can become very unhappy in time.

I have to add here that it was very interesting how "open" he was, how metaphysically & spirtually open he was. He is a very gentle man. If you've ever gone through a consistent healing process of opening yourself up, releasing the past, & moving on... you can sense people who are very open and people who are not (those who are bound up by past misc. they haven't let go of... and they are burdened by it all). It's a very interesting experience to feel this "openness" in an individual... it hasn't happened very often (for me) since most people seem to be closed, and burdened.

I continue to enjoy the meetings I have with this person... purely for the clean, spiritual, & metaphysical aspects of the visits!

Welcome... my new Blog! It's a place for sharing love, metaphysical & spiritual readings, angel sightings and help... so much to share!!

Thanks for visiting, reading, and sharing if you'd like! :-)