Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patience, Strength, & Faith...

They carry us through just about anything! These three words are very powerful words... but they also allow one to develop more peace within the self. With just these three words, I know I can handle just about anything... and I have! Even through the worst of times... these three words have carried me through (along with a daily chakra cleansing) ... and the Universe DOES eventually provide whatever it is that we desire, and whatever it is that will help to carry us through whatever situation we are presently in.

Trust is also an important word. If we could just "trust" in the Universe to provide all our needs, we would all be a lot happier and free from spontaneous decisions, and anxiety. Trust can be a very difficult thing to overcome; it could take years and years of healing to trust & love again. Trust in the Universe to carry us through our situations, and trust in the people around us.

All of these words go hand-in-hand and help to mold the strongest individuals... I'm glad I'm one of them! :-D